【超筍一套8個】AKA 代用小米及Dreame 掃拖機器人 拖布 拖地布 X10 / X10+ / S20 PRO / L10 ultra /S10+/ S10 Pro+ / S10 /S10 PRO




【超筍一套8個】 AKA 代用小米及Dreame 掃拖機器人 拖布 拖地布X20+/ X10 / X10+ / S20 PRO / L10 ultra /S10+/ S10 Pro+ / S10 /S10 PRO 拖布:這個比塵袋更有需要密d替換,以免愈拖愈污,滋生及擴散無型細菌病毒, 建議必須更換防上二次污染, 達至終極衛生 一套4個 $135 一套8個 $199 ⭐90%客人選擇⭐一套16個 $299 最筍最抵 •拖布吸水均勻,持久耐用 •拖布均勻濕拖,強力去污 •拖布採用繩絨和泡棉層設計,可帶來均勻的吸水效果。 •清潔效能強大,掃拖時可有效去除地板污漬,同時有效保護全屋地板。 •魔術貼固定設計,快速安裝及拆卸. 拖布底部採用魔術貼設計,可確保拖布穩固貼合。只需輕輕一拉,即可快速輕鬆拆下。 現貨,如售罄約下單後1至2星期出貨 AKA replaces Xiaomi and Dreame sweeping and mopping robot mops and mops X10 / X10+ / S20 PRO / L10 ultra /S10+/ S10 Pro+ / S10 /S10 PRO Mop: This one needs to be replaced more densely than the dust bag to avoid getting more dirty as it is mopped. Replace it regularly for ultimate hygiene. •The mop absorbs water evenly and is durable •The mop is evenly wet and powerful for decontamination •The mop is designed with chenille and foam layers to provide even water absorption. •Powerful cleaning performance, it can effectively remove floor stains when sweeping and mopping, while effectively protecting the floor throughout the house. •Velcro fixed design, quick installation and removal. The bottom of the mop is designed with Velcro to ensure a secure fit. Removes quickly and easily with just a gentle pull.

