Swisse - Ultraboost High Strength Cranberry 蔓越莓精華膠囊 90粒





澳洲製 Swisse - Ultraboost High Strength Cranberry 蔓越莓精華膠囊 90粒 ⭐Made in Australia 價格:一樽$238,兩樽每樽$228,3樽起每樽$218 出貨:現貨出貨約3至5天;如售罄約1至2星期出貨 ⭐產品介紹 Swisse Ultiboost 濃縮蔓越莓符合高品質標準,以便利的一天一劑/粒的劑量提供蔓越莓濃縮液。含經臨床試驗的高功效蔓越莓,即一種獨特的粉末狀成個蔓越莓果,有助於促進泌尿系統健康 。高效加強配方,濃度高25000mg,保護女性膀胱泌尿系統健康的天然保健品 ⭐原產地:澳洲⭐Made in Australia ⭐產品特點 蔓越莓被譽為天然食品  🔹️殺菌消炎,適合關注女性膀胱泌尿系統健康人士 🔹️ 具抗氧化功能,防止有害的自由基對身體帶來傷害 🔹️ 維持心血管健 🔹️純天然配方 ⭐產品功能 高濃度PACran®:含PACran®,它是從整只蔓越莓果中提取的獨特粉末,有助於支持泌尿道健康。 症狀緩解:PACran®可能對瘙癢、燒灼感所造成的不適起到症狀性緩解作用。 抗氧化支持:蔓越莓富含抗氧化劑,有助於抵禦自由基的侵害。 抗粘附特性:有助於降低細菌在尿道上的粘附。 Swisse Ultiboost 高濃度蔓越莓膠囊配方基於科學研究,為人體提供高濃度劑量的蔓越莓,每天一粒蔓越莓,遠離各種婦科病 對盆腔炎,宮頸炎,尿道炎,子宮肌瘤,卵巢等婦科疾病有很好的療效 可調節內分泌 改善夜間尿頻憋尿情況 主要成份高功效蔓越莓 (每個膠囊包含從25000MG蔓越莓提取) 蔓越莓干果提取物;明膠(牛);保濕劑︰E 422、E 420;植物油脂(大豆,部份氫化);穩定劑:E 901;乳化劑:E 322(大豆);色素:E 172 ♥️適合人群成年女性 ⭐使用方法 每天服用一粒膠囊,隨餐時或飯後立刻服用,或者按醫護專業人員的指示服用。 ⭕此為平行進口產品 ⭕售完即止,不另行通知 ⭕網購涉及運送,運送過程中,產品及外盒可能會有些擠壓痕跡,實屬難免,如不影響使用,不設退換。有要求者,請考慮才購。 ⭕若運輸及快遞遇上不可坑力的廷誤,不設退款,請客人體諒,本公司一收貨就快發,務求客人盡快收貨。 ⭐Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Cranberry⭐ ⭐Made in Australia ⭐Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Cranberry supports urinary tract health, including bladder and kidney health. This premium quality formula also provides relief from symptoms of medically diagnosed cystitis, including itching and frequent, burning urination. ⭐BENEFITS Cranberries are high in antioxidants, which help protect against free radical damage and contribute to the maintenance of good healthProvides symptomatic relief from the discomfort associated with medically diagnosed cystitis, such as vaginal discomfort and frequent burning urinationSupports the health and function of the urinary tract, including bladder and kidney health Formulated with PACRAN®, a unique powdered form of the whole cranberry fruit, that is extra rich in antioxidants ⭐INGREDIENTS EACH SOFT CAPSULE CONTAINS: Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) powder equiv. fresh fruit 25 g ⭐ALLERGEN INFORMATION No added lactose, yeast, egg, artificial flavours or artificial colours. Contains phenylalanine, soya beans and sulfites. 🔹️DIRECTIONS ⭐ADULT DOSAGE: One capsule daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. ⭐STORAGE Store below 25°C. Do not use if cap seal is broken. ⭐WARNINGS If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.If pain or irritation persists for more than 48 hours - consult your doctor.The presence of blood in the urine warrants immediate medical attention.This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
