Kat Case P1011 皇冠珍珠花 3D Bling bling 圖未手製閃爍水鑽手機保護殼•專人手工貼鑲 #定制手機殼 IPHONE SAMSUNG 三星手機殼



這個產品是定制的,精心手工製作並用Bling bling rhinestones 水鉆進行別緻裝飾,使其格外驚艷。 非常適合作為禮物或個人使用。 兼容IPHONE系列,從IPHONE 7到最新的IPHONE 15 PRO MAX,以及大多數款式的三星手機。 若要下單,請先提交您的訂單。收到您的訂單後,我們專業的客戶服務團隊將於第二天聯繫您,詳細討論手機殼的訂製細節。 製作時間: 下單後1至2星期內出貨 This product is a custom-made product, meticulously handcrafted and individually embellished with Bling bling, making it exceptionally stunning. Perfect for gifting or personal use. Compatible with IPHONE, ranging from IPHONE 7 to the latest IPHONE 15 PRO MAX, as well as most models of SAMSUNG phones. To place an order, please submit your order first. Once we receive your order, our dedicated customer service team will contact you the next day regarding the details for customizing the phone case.

