魔方教室Moyu RS4M 4x4磁力扭計骰 四階魔方



魔方教室Moyu RS4M 4x4磁力扭計骰 四階魔方 價格: $149 產品特點: 1.創新型雙調系統 2.升級磁力定位系統 3.雙重咬合防飛卡腳 4.升級半亮六色配色 5.穩定圓方中心結構 6.升級雙重放黏配置 魔方教室Moyu RS4M 是來自 Moyu 的非常好的 4×4 扭計骰魔方。 扭計骰的價格在預算級別,但給人的印像不同。 這是一款快速且穩定的 4×4 遊戲,可用於高級速成魔方。 強烈推薦給想要嘗試 4×4 或真正開始使用 4×4 速度立方體的您。 尺寸: 62*62*62mm 配件 説明書、宣傳卡、選手收藏卡、 螺絲刀1個(顏色隨機)、三角架1個(顏色隨機) Moyu RS4M 4×4 is magnetic, which means that small strong magnets inside the pieces of the cube help you pull the layers in place. The cube comes with a screwdriver for adjustment, a Moyu trading card, a solution guide and finally a cube stand that you can use to display the cube neatly on the shell. Moyu RS4M is a really good 4×4 Speedcube from Moyu. The cube is priced in budget class but gives a different impression. This is a fast and stable 4×4 that can be used for high-level speedcubing. The cube is highly recommended for you who want to try out 4×4 or get started with 4×4 speedcubing for real.

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