美國LeapFrog跳跳蛙二合一電腦英文字母單字早教學習機玩具 Leapfrog 2 In 1 Leaptop Touch Green



美國LeapFrog跳跳蛙二合一電腦英文字母單字早教學習機玩具 Leapfrog 2 In 1 Leaptop Touch Green 這款Leap Frog 2合1觸控筆記型電腦是一個專為孩子們打造的學習工具。它可以在鍵盤模式下使用,也可以翻轉成平板模式。它配備了A-Z的鍵盤和1-10的數字按鈕,並且擁有觸控螢幕功能。孩子們可以透過這款筆記型電腦進行字母、數字、遊戲、音樂和消息等多種學習模式。此外,這款筆記型電腦還可以進行自定義,幫助孩子學習拼寫自己的名字。它具有攜帶手柄,非常適合在任何時候隨時隨地進行學習。 產品尺寸為36 x 33 x 8公分 重量為0.59公斤。 Leapfrog 2 In 1 Leaptop Touch Green Learning fun is a tap away with the laptop touch 2-in-1 laptop. Kids can learn about letters, numbers, music and more on a laptop that's made just for them. Open the laptop to see the screen in keyboard mode, then close the laptop and watch the screen magically swivel into tablet mode. The laptop features an A-Z keyboard and number buttons 1-10, while the tablet features a touch screen. Kids will have fun pretending to email Scout, or tapping away in five learning modes--abcs, numbers, games, music and messages. PLUS, the laptop can be customized to help your child spell their name. The take-along handle makes it great for learning on the go! 2-in-1 laptop features a screen that flips to convert from keyboard to tablet mode Laptop features a keyboard with letters A-Z and numbers 1-10, or swivel and transform it into a touch tablet Kids can pretend to be like mom and dad with role-play activities like emailing Scout Features five learning modes - ABCs, numbers, games, music and messages Parents can customize the laptop to help their child spell their name packaging dimensions (cm): 36 x 33 x 8 shipping weight (kg): 0.59 #小朋友生日禮物 #聖誕禮物 #抽獎禮物 #交換禮物 #驚喜禮物 #新年禮物 #獎勵計劃禮物

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