現貨💖他媽哥池TAMAGOTCHI Mermaid 42814 育成電子雞 #小朋友生日禮物 #聖誕禮物 #抽獎禮物 #交換禮物 #驚喜禮物 #新年禮物 #獎勵計劃禮物



TAMAGOTCHI 他媽哥池 育成電子雞 #小朋友生日禮物 #聖誕禮物 #抽獎禮物 #交換禮物 #驚喜禮物 #新年禮物 #獎勵計劃禮物 Youtube 介紹: https://youtube.com/watch?v=0v-_jThY-I8&feature=shared 1997年你喜愛的原始數字寵物Tamagotchi帶著櫻花紋殼重返舞台!憑藉其原始程式設計,你可以餵食、清潔、照顧它,甚至在它不需要你的時候懲罰它!還可以玩角色扮演遊戲!你如何照顧你的Tamagotchi以及在遊戲中的表現,將決定你將獲得哪種成年Tamagotchi!附有CR2032電池,可以搭在包包上隨身攜帶! ・原汁原味的Tamagotchi數字寵物回歸,帶著1997年的原始程式設計! ・餵食、開關燈、和它一起玩耍、給予藥物、將其上廁所後沖水、檢查健康狀況,並在當它快樂、飽腹、清潔乾淨時懲罰你的Tamagotchi,如果它打擾到你的話。 ・內含角色遊戲,你需要猜測Tamagotchi下一步會往哪個方向移動!蓋有櫻花葉子和藍色'Tamagotchi'的淺色殼體、框架和按鈕,還原了原始程式設計和角色。 ・將你的Tamagotchi從蛋孵化成幼年,再成長為成年,你如何照顧它將決定你將獲得七種成年Tamagotchi中的哪一種。 ・附帶一個掛在鍊子上,隨時隨地帶著你的Tamagotchi!內含CR2032電池。 ・適合8歲以上使用。 The Original digital pet you loved in 1997 is back with a shell with Sakura print! With original programming, you feed it, clean up after it, take care of it and even discipline it if it's bothering you when it doesn't need you! Plus, you can play the Character game! How you take care of your Tamagotchi and how you do in the game, determines which Adult Tamagotchi you'll get! Includes the CR2032 battery and attaches to your bag so it goes everywhere! ・The Original Tamagotchi digital pet you loved in 1997 is back with the original programming! ・Feed it, turn lights on/off, play with it, give it medicine, flush after it’s used the bathroom, check it’s health and discipline your Tamagotchi if he bothers you when he’s happy, fed and all cleaned up. ・Includes Character game where you have to guess which way the Tamagotchi will move next!Pastel shell with cherry blossom leaves and blue 'Tamagotchi', frame and buttons, and original programming and characters. ・Raise your Tamagotchi from egg to child to Adult and how you take care of it will decide which of the 7 Adults you’ll get. ・Comes with 1 Tamagotchi on a chain to take with you everywhere!Battery (CR2032) included. ・For Ages 8+

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