澳洲Lalisse袪痘精華素 特效暗瘡水精華 No.2 (5ml) Lalisse Skin Serums no.2 5ml

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Lalisse袪痘精華素No.2 (5ml)是專門為嚴重性痘痘而設的短期療程,當痘痘嚴重性轉為較低時,建議使用袪痘精華素No.1。 源自澳洲天然植物萃取,打動肌膚 1. 黃連和苦參 抑制真菌的苦參和清熱涼血,修護化膿的黃連,強化了殺菌消炎的作用,可抑制囊性嚴重型的痘痘。 2. 銀杏和杏仁 除了抑制微生物,還能抑制色素沈澱,均勻膚色。 3. 當歸和三七 當歸主在補血,三七主在補氣,二者巧妙配合,行氣補血,改善血液循環,排濁化瘀,拔除痘痘。 4. 珍珠 含有豐富的氨基酸和30多種微量元素,具有強大的肌膚修護作用,從來到外,提升肌膚自我修護能力,還能淡化痘印。 描述: 皮膚精華2號 Lalisse Skin Serums 利用珍珠的獨特力量來再生和修復皮膚,無論年齡或皮膚狀況如何,都能提供最佳效果。琥珀色的溶液帶有獨特的芳香草氣味,可改善血液循環並清潔毛孔。防禦皮膚刺激,減少黑頭、白頭、紅腫的嚴重程度。 2 號護膚精華液適合短期密集使用,用於治療嚴重的痤瘡和粉刺。若要長期使用,我們建議使用 Lalisse 抗斑護膚精華液 1 號。 應用 建議每天最多使用精華液 3 次。 連續使用三天后,建議休息三到四天。 當存在嚴重*高級痤瘡或荷爾蒙囊性痤瘡時,使用 2 號血清。 *高級痤瘡是指面部、頸部、胸部或背部出現大膿皰、感染和囊腫。 有效成分 珍珠粉、銀杏籽、三七、黃連、苦杏籽、桃籽、貝加爾黃芩、乙醇。 Description: skin serum no 2 Using the unique power of pearls to regenerate and repair the skin, Lalisse Skin Serums delivers optimum results regardless of age or skin condition. The amber coloured solution with the unique smell of fragrant grasses improves blood circulation and clears the pores. This encourages the body's natural defences against skin irritation, reducing the severity of blackheads, white heads, redness and swelling. Skin Serum No. 2 is designed for short term intensive use on serious acne and pimples. For long term use, we suggest Lalisse Anti-Spot Skin Serum No. 1. Application It is recommended the serum to be applied a maximum of three times per day. After use for three consecutive days, a break of three to four days is recommended. Serum no.2 is to be used when there is serious *high-grade acne present or hormonal cystic acne. *High-grade acne is when there are large pustules, infection and cysts present on the face, neck, chest or back. Active Ingredients Powdered Pearl, Ginkgo Seed, Sanchi Root, Coptis Root, Bitter Apricot Seed, Peach Seed, Baikal Skullcap Root, Ethyl Alcohol.

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