2025年新款 香港行貨 AKA S8 pro 最大芒,前後雙鏡可旋轉鏡頭兒童智能錶, smart watch for kid 兒童多功能智能定位追蹤手錶 已裝whatsapp facebook youtube 視頻通話 無限打出打入電話通話※※聖誕禮物 兒童節禮物 生日禮物 交換禮物 AKA S7 multifunctional intelligent positioning and tracking watch




AKA S7升級款 s8 pro 前後雙攝 360度旋轉 兒童多功能智能定位追蹤手錶 可安whatsapp facebook youtube 視頻通話 ※※聖誕禮物 兒童節禮物 生日禮物 交換禮物 ※香港行貨・1年保用 5色: ・粉紅 NEW ・粉藍 NEW ・型綠 ・型黑 ・酷紫 . 現貨出售,如售罄若下單後約一星期內出貨 性能規格: ▪︎升級大螢幕 ▪︎升級通用手機用的Type C充電,不再磁吸 ▪︎升級錶心可分離,可掛頸可掛書包,合年幼小朋友 ・高速四核芯片 ・64G大容量內存 ・前後雙攝高清雙鏡頭,可360度轉 ・4G Nano sim ▪︎手錶撥號通話無限制 可自由打出打入 功能: 上課禁用功能。 ・前後雙攝高清雙鏡頭 ・360度旋轉拍攝通話 ・谷歌地圖定位 ・GPS/WIFI追蹤 ・可裝通訊apps如whatsapp, line,messenger ・可下載娛樂apps 如 youtube, facebook ・超長續航時長 ・高清視像通話 ・遠端聽音 雙向通話 ・遠端拍照 ・高畫質拍照 ・人臉辨識解鎖 保障私隱 ・生活防水 IP67 ・SOS鍵 一按即聯家長手機 ・上課停用 ・AI智能小度百科 ・應用商店 下載安裝apps ・起床鬧鐘 ・魔法相機 ・WIFI上網 ・語音通訊 ・手機通話 ・視像通話 ・遙遠追蹤 ・多國語言選擇:可繁體、簡體、英語顯示 可另外加購錶帶: https://vbuy.com.hk/i/Q6sf39gAA https://vbuy.com.hk/i/R43fMDgAA AKA S8 pro 多功能智能定位追蹤手錶,是現代家長們必備的好幫手!這款手錶擁有前後雙攝高清雙鏡頭、360度旋轉拍攝通話,甚至能夠在應用商店下載使用 whatsapp、facebook、youtube 等社交軟體和兒童娛樂軟體,滿足兒童們的需求,還特別為家長提供 AI 智能小度百科,讓孩子們學習更加簡單方便! 更重要的是,它還有 GPS/WIFI 追蹤功能,甚至有 SOS 鍵,一按即聯家長手機,讓家長隨時了解孩子的動態,更安心放心! 現在,給孩子一份健康和快樂的童年吧,購買 AKA S8 pro 多功能智能定位追蹤手錶,為孩子的生命添加更多的安全保障!無論是拍攝美景、定位孩子的行蹤,還是與家人視訊通話,AKA S8 pro手錶都能滿足你的需求。不要再猶豫了,趕快入手一隻AKA 手錶吧! AKA s8 prois a children's multifunctional intelligent positioning and tracking watch with dual cameras that can rotate 360 degrees. It supports applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube for video calls. It is a great gift for Christmas, Children's Day, birthdays, and gift exchanges. AKA S8 pro multifunctional intelligent positioning and tracking watch is a must-have for modern parents! This watch features dual high-definition cameras (front and rear), 360-degree rotating video calls, and even the ability to download and use social media apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube from the application store. It meets the needs of children and also provides AI intelligent encyclopedia for parents, making learning easier and more convenient for children! More importantly, it has GPS/Wi-Fi tracking capabilities and even an SOS button that instantly connects to parents' phones, allowing parents to always know their children's whereabouts and have peace of mind! Now, give your child a healthy and happy childhood by purchasing the AKA S7 multifunctional intelligent positioning and tracking watch, adding more security to their lives! Whether it's capturing beautiful moments, tracking your child's movements, or video calling with family, the AKA S7 watch can meet your needs. Don't hesitate any longer, get your hands on an AKA S7 watch now! Colors: Black Green Violet Specifications: High-speed quad-core chip 64GB large storage capacity Dual high-definition cameras (front and rear) Features: Dual high-definition cameras (front and rear) 360-degree rotating video call Google Maps positioning GPS/Wi-Fi tracking Can install communication apps like WhatsApp, Line, Messenger Can download entertainment apps like YouTube, Facebook Long battery life High-definition video calls Remote listening and two-way calls Remote camera High-quality photos Face recognition unlock for privacy protection IP67 waterproof SOS button for instant connection with parents' phones Disable during class AI intelligent encyclopedia Application store for downloading and installing apps Alarm clock to wake up Magic camera WIFI internet access Voice communication Phone calls Video calls Remote tracking Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English display *You can install various communication apps yourself, such as WhatsApp, Line, WeChat, Facebook, etc.

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